Sunday, May 16, 2010

Cookies please!

A few days ago, my mom received a big box containing products that I loved to chew when I was younger: books! She told me that these ones will help her bake yummy treats for me. It's supposed to be really easy.
Cooking for me? Wow! I must be a special dog! She does not cook that often, even for dad and herself...
"Mom, I'm flattered, but did you need to buy 3 books?" " Rouky, don't you know about Amazon free shipping offer? Besides, these will last a lifetime..."
Can't wait to try my first homemade cookie! I'll tell you all about it. Stay tuned!


  1. I can't wait to hear how your goodies taste! I ran and got Beth right away and showed her the books. I told her I thought she should put them on her list to order! SHE SAID SHE WOULD! I am so happy! Thanks!

  2. Hello beautiful boy! We just want to give you a big cuddle. You're so cute.
