Thursday, November 4, 2010

Supervisor in chief

My big brudder sure runs around a lot!
When I'm not chasing his toys or the food
he drops on the floor, I'm in charge supervising him.
See, he never leaves my sight!
And when mom puts body cream
on his dry skin, I try to lick him all over!
"But Rouky, what about those pictures from China?"
Well, if daddy would take the USB key out of the bag he brings to work,
that would help me!!!


  1. Jerome is such a handsome young man! Rouky will do a great job helping raise him! What a blessing for all....

  2. I think your still not sure about your new playmate, although, I can see you are keeping a very good eye on your cute charge. :-)xxx
    lots of luv Ames. xxxx
    Give him a very good lick/hug from me. X

  3. Rouky look at you the big brother perched to watch over Jerome. Wait, you mean your sittin high to watch for cookie crumbs falling? Well good job anyways! So nice to see everyone settling!

  4. Look at all those lovely colourful toys. Looks like your new brother was ready to be spoilt long before your parents brought him back from China. He is going to be sooooo loved....and licked we think.
